Skin Care

27 June 2008


Everybody says this but honestly drinking water is the best way to keep your skin clear. Unless you have an exact condition that makes your skin break out no matter what then drinking lots of water is your best and cheapest way to clearer skin. Even if you do have a condition you should still drink water. It's so good for your skin and your body and I can't stress that enough.

I find it easier to get my water intake by drinking water with my meals. At the very least it helps your digestion doing it this way. But I have noticed a vast improvement in my skin since I started drinking more water. I used to suffer terrible blotchiness and blemishes everywhere and as soon as I incorporated water into my diet I saw SUCH an improvement. Now I get about two spots a month, if that. Your skin isn't against you but you have to work with it if you want to see results and drinking water for two weeks and expecting it to magically clear up is not being realistic. You have to keep drinking it on a regular basis.

Toners And Cleansers

Toners are used to clean impurities away from the face and some have added moisturisers. They are also known for their refreshing qualities.

Cleansers are used in much the same way. Except they can be used to remove makeup as well.

When looking for a toner or cleanser I would suggest you really know your skin first. What does it *really* need? Know its behaviour and pick one that will suit it.


I will only occasionally use moisturiser on my face. (About three times a week) Water tends to work best for me when I want to hydrate my skin but I do think using a moisturiser is also important. Whichever skin type you have a moisturiser can certainly benefit you. Just be sure to pick one that suits your skin's behaviour. One with added SPF is a bonus.


Exfoliating your skin is important. It removes the dead skin cells and rejuvinates your skin. This will in turn allow for better, smoother makeup application. TRUST ME!

You should exfoliate at least two or three times a week. If you have sensitive skin, try a gentle exfoliating scrub. (St Ives make a great one!)

Make Up Removers: Make up wipes, Baby oil, Baby wipes and Lotions

Firstly I can not stress enough how important it is to take your make up off at the end of the day. If you want to encourage the dirt and oils that have gathered on your skin during the day then by all means leave it on but don't cry to anyone else when your face is full of blemishes as a result. Look after your skin and do it a favour and take the crap off before bed. No matter how tired I am, I ALWAYS remove my make up before sleep. It's the law for me!

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