MeMeMe Eye Spy Eye Liner Pencil in '01 Cleopatra'

24 December 2008

MeMeMe Eye Liner Pencil in 'Cleopatra'

I paid two different prices for each pencil I bought as I got these from Ebay. You can get them from Superdrug for almost £4 which is horrendous so get them off ebay much cheaper instead!


Sleek and silver with two lids on each end. One lid for the smudger and one for the pencil end. The lid on the smudger end never stays on though :(


No scent


Creamy texture and deep dark black pigmentation. Colour pay off is excellent.

What Does It Do?

Defines the eyes and can also be used to create a soft smokey appearence by smudging it around the lash lines.

How To Use It

You can use this all over the outer eye, including on the waterlines. I wear contact lenses and it caused no irritation whatsoever when worn on the waterlines. It has a convinient little smudger on the opposite end to the pencil so you can flip it over and use this to create a soft smokey look :) The smudger works pretty well. I tend to just use the edges rather than the flat surface of the smudger as it's a little chunky for my taste. Does the job though!

How Well Does It Work?

It goes on extremely well and lasts about 5 hours on the waterlines before you need to top it up which is pretty damn excellent as it's very hard to find an eyeliner pencil that will stay put on this area of the eye in particular. It stays on all day on any other part of the eye. You don't have to work to get the colour to show and it glides on comfortably and softly. The only problem I noticed with this was that because it is so creamy it smudges like crazy if you aren't careful. If you have an oily complexion you could still use this but I would recommend setting it with a black eye shadow (apply black eye shadow over the eye liner) to stop it from sliding everywhere and keep it lasting a long time. For its lasting power and colour pay off this is one of the best eye liner pencils I have bought.

Buy Again?

I actually already did get another one. I bought both pencils from ebay as in Superdrug these pencils cost almost £4 which is a disgusting price for an eye liner pencil in my opinion. I'd never pay that for an eye liner personally. I spent just over £2 for each pencil on ebay.

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