31 December 2009

Hi all!

I'm sorry there were no more Holiday looks. I got a new camera literally yesterday and so I felt it was worth waiting until I got it before I did any more. The new camera I got is a DSLR camera and it's going to be SO much easier for me and way better for you to see the make up looks I do now. Working with my digital camera was a nightmare. I used to have to sit and take the same photo over and over just trying to get it to show clearly. It was kind of off-putting if I am honest. I am only a newbie to SLR'S so I sometimes find myself doing stupid stuff like not taking the lense cap off and wondering why everything is 'dark' - Lol! I'm such a noob.

Anyway, I am not even going to sit here and promise looks 'soon'. Things in my life seem to be persistent in getting in the way >.< Instead I'll say I'll do them when I can. I'm currently not feeling too great but I really want to at least do a vlog on my makeup channel today so look out for that. You can find my makeup channel on Youtube here: http://www.youtube.com/bluesparks24

I also would like to do a haul on here (just to test drive my camera too :D) so look out for that.

I haven't been well for about a week now, I have had some personal problems, health problems and life generally hasn't been too great. But even so I'm hoping things will get better.

Hope you all had a great Christmas and have fun whatever you do for NYE and NYD

Michelle <3

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