Sparkly Discussion: MAC Cosmetics

1 August 2011

Hi everyone!

So I hope you took the time to sign that petition in my last entry. I don't want to come off as pushy but I do feel passionately about protecting animals.

In any case, that isn't what this entry is going to be about.

I'd like to take some time to talk about MAC Cosmetics. If you have followed my blog since the start you'll know I'm nutty for MAC. They are just such a fantastic company. And no, nobody has asked me to write this entry, nobody's paying me to do it and I'm not writing it so I can kiss any body's rear end. I am writing this because this is how I truly feel about this company.

For a start, they're cruelty free. What is better than a company that makes fantastic quality, cruelty free makeup? That's right, not even Christmas beats that. Unless it's a stocking full of MAC goodies at Christmas. Then it's euphoric.

Second of all, as I stated previously - they make fantastic quality makeup. I own so many of their products, it's not even funny. I've collected them over the period of about five years so that is why I have so much. And I adore my collection to pieces.

Thirdly, they aren't pretentious. Words can't describe just how much it grates on my last nerve when companies use pretentious language in their tutorials. It makes me feel like they are trying to sound smart and as a consequence, they sound stupid. Oh irony.

A LOT of makeup companies who have their own 'how-to' videos give awful instructions, terrible editing and generally just confuse people with their ridiculous jargon that only sets out to sell the damn products rather than show you how to use them properly. MAC 'How-To' videos give it to you clearly. A MAC artist isn't afraid to use their fingers to apply foundation or a sponge tip applicator to apply eyeshadow. That is why I love them so much. Their videos give clear instructions, with language that always fails to be pretentious. They don't try to ram their products down your throat, they just tell it like it is - that their products are awesome. And when you have cruelty free, excellent quality products like MAC, you will have the bragging rights that they do.

Another fantastic part of the MAC experience is their wonderful customer service. If you have a problem and you call up their customer services line, it takes little time for a real person to answer you and they are SO incredibly helpful. I know quite a few high end make up companies (or so they like to think anyway) whose customer service reeks with an 'I can't be bothered' attitude. I can't stand 'I can't be bothered' attitudes.

I have also found that MAC sales representatives actually KNOW their products. They can answer ANY question you put forward to them about the ingredients, the coverage, the pigmentation, etc. Excellent stuff. And believe me, when I was first learning about make up I would go to department stores and ask the staff that worked on these counters the most difficult questions so that I could learn more myself. MAC were the only counter that passed every time. And now I feel I know as much as they do.

I understand that they are a high end brand and that not everybody can afford their products, but believe me, it is worth saving up for them. That is how I buy them in the first place. And yes, I do go long amounts of time in between buying their products but I know when I can eventually afford them again that I'm buying great makeup from a great company.

Love me some MAC!

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