Had the weather permitted, we would have visited the gorgeousness that is Cardiff Bay but sadly the skies opened and were decidedly miserable for the majority of the day...
To begin, I had a free makeover kindly offered to me by Too Faced Cosmetics at Debenhams (this post is absolutely not sponsored by the way). I was quite anxious about having my make up done. Being an alternative kinda gal and all I find the majority of people I know don't wear their make up the way I do and so I think it's viewed as more 'extreme' if you will. I'm also very choosy about what shades I use and how I apply it. So it wasn't easy for me to allow someone else to do my make up for me.
The staff at the Too Faced counter were incredibly accomodating to me and I thought the chosen colour palette for my look was really pretty. And uh, my brows looked bloody A-MA-ZING. They were honestly my favourite part of the whole thing because I am still learning when it comes to doing my brows.

I personally would have worn my eyeliner MUCH thicker than it was applied but I felt a bit awkward and anxious asking for yet more eyeliner so I decided to just touch it up myself later on.
And this was the end result:

ANYWAY! With makeup all done, our first stop in between the scattered showers saw us exploring Cardiff Castle. I'd only been in the surrounding grounds briefly a very long time ago so I was keen to look around its inners to see what I'd been missing.
I have a huge fascination with historical buildings. The older and spookier, the better. Exploring old or abandoned buildings/locations has fast become a thrill for me in recent times. Not only that but I have endless amounts of admiration for ancient structural designs.
And despite the castle not being as tremendously 'exciting' as others its ragged exterior and intricate interior still managed to capture my attention.
Parts of the castle were once used as air raid shelters during WW2. Walking down the dark lengths of each section allowed me only to imagine how distressed, terrified and uncomfortable its past occupants must have felt.
A significant contrast in comparison to the outside's beautiful grounds covered in thousands of daffodils.
One thing I will say for the castle is it has some breathtaking views. I refused to dare the heights of the castle as I'm very wobbly at best when it comes to extreme heights but my boyfriend braved the very top of the castle whilst I made it to a window guarded by bars a few floors up and almost died.

I had the Skinny Primavera Rustica Pizza, a wholemeal, white and spelt base topped with lots of veggies and goats cheese which was absolutely delicious!

Following that we stopped at a few cocktail bars. I had one of my all time favourite cocktails at Cosy Club. Behold the very delicious Cherry Bakewell. It's a blend of cherry juice, Amaretto almond liqueur, Ron Barcelo rum and caramel syrup. *dies*

We concluded our evening at 10 Feet Tall. A very quaint cocktail bar where I was delighted to discover buy one get one free on selected cocktails. Naturally ended up very drunk.
I devoured the 'Skittles' cocktail the entire night. This one is like liquified Skittles sweets so if you like that kind of fruitiness then you must try this.

Returning home was a bit chaotic thanks to difficulties with the trains (but when are trains not a pain in the backside?) but I had such a wonderful time with the absolute best company in the world.
When is your birthday and what are your plans? Share with me in the comments!
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