First Blog!

26 June 2008

Hello and welcome to my new makeup blog! Incase you didn't know my name is Michelle and I'm 23. The photo you see on this blog is from my prom that I had recently. Sadly my hair doesn't fall in ringlets naturally :( Anyway! I decided to make this blog as I absolutely love make up and I was getting harrassed in my real life to share my makeup tips so I figured I'd do this! I am going to be offering tips, tricks and tutorials in this blog so look out for those. I will include photos to show any products or looks I am using as I go too :)

Remember the reviews I do in this blog are from MY own use of the products and what I personally thought of them. It is solely up to you what you are happy with using and I am simply providing a guide when I offer a review.

I hope you enjoy my blog :)


Michelle xxx

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