St Ives Apricot Exfoliation Facial Scrub

9 October 2008

Here's my thoughts on ST IVES Apricot Exfoliating Scrub. I bought it recently at half price from Tesco. Originally it costs about £3.99 and I got it for £1.95. It comes in a 150 ML squeezy tube. You can still get it half price at Tesco if you're quick. It is for all skin types.

So why use an exfoliation wash to begin with?

Well it's more ideal than anything to exfoliate because this process removes impurities and dead skin cells from the surface of the face. A build up of either can encourage blemishes. By removing the dead skin cells you are also removing impurities and thus helping to prevent blemishes. It's important not to ignore the neck when you're exfoliating as this area can become dry and rough. This scrub in particular also claims to make your skin 'radiant'.

By also having smoother skin you will create a better base for facial make up like Foundation and powder. For obvious reasons your make up will blend better over your face if dead skin cells are removed regularly.

It is up to you how often you want to exfoliate your face but up to two times a week is the most ideal.


So here's the actual formula. As you can see it's creamish white in colour with very fine exfoliating 'bits' (for want of a better word!). It spreads very well and you get a closer exfoliation because of the fineness of these 'bits'. You also get more coverage since there's more scrub in the formula and it goes further.


The smell is quite tangy. It reminded me of marzipan more than apricots to be honest. Apricot flavoured marzipan perhaps? It has a definite tang just like a strong soap. It's not a gentle sweet apricot smell which is kind of what I expected but nevertheless the smell wasn't too bothersome.


As with all exfoliation washes you first wet your face and then take some formula in your hands and spread all over the face (taking care to avoid the sensitive areas around the eyes) and gently rub in circular motions to activate the exfoliation process over the entire face. Do this for about a minute and then rinse. Pat dry with a clean, dry towel.

End result

After using this scrub a few times I found it left my skin feeling very smooth and soft. It also gave me a bit of a fresh glow which was nice. It feels a lot more gentle because of the fineness of the formula so it doesn't leave your skin feeling raw like many exfoliating scrubs and mitts can.

The only let down was the smell. I would prefer something a bit sweeter in smell but nevertheless this scrub is pretty good and I would definitely buy it again.


  1. I've been using this scrub for a couple of years now and I absolutely love it, I have the type for sensitive skin and it's done me well :)

  2. oh man, this stuff is amazing. it does smell kinda... ungoodish, but it works like a dream. every time i go to the store they're out, or only have one or two left. it's really popular. I'm thinking of picking up a tube of it next time I need facial cleanser. Right now I'm using Clean&Clear "Soft" In-Shower Facial.

  3. I had seen it before but it seemed too expensive at £3.99 but when it dropped to half price in Tesco I thought 'Why not?' and got it. It is really good ^_^



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