Barry M Pale Yellow Nail Paint Review

8 August 2013


Barry M Nail Paint in Pale Yellow




Where Is It Sold?

Sold at Boots or Superdrug. Barry M Nail Paints are frequently on offer at both of these stores so it's worth looking out for those offers if you intend on purchasing a couple of these nail paints.



Twist on sleek black top and sturdy glass bottle.

No noticeable scent outside of the usual 'nail polish' scent.


To achieve best results with this nail paint I highly recommend applying it in multiple thin coats rather than one thicker coat. If you attempt to apply one thicker coat expect the drying time to increase (up to about ten minutes at least) greatly. The product applies best when it is layered in thinner coats. For maximum opacity (colour pay off) you need to apply at least three coats of this nail polish, if not four.

The formula is slightly on the thinner side so you may notice some streakiness if you don't apply enough coats of this. It is not the easiest formula to work with. Applying this nail paint definitely calls for time and patience.

I had no problems with the brush itself, it's easy to use, good quality and applies the polish evenly.

I found this nail paint generally lasts around 3-4 days on my nails. I use my hands frequently for every day life tasks so I personally think 3-4 days is great lasting power for me.

I personally do not use a base coat or top coat because I just don't have enough patience and I'm pretty lazy with my nails. I imagine applying a base coat and top coat will definitely increase the lasting power of this nail paint. (As it would with nearly every polish.) I presume it would also make the application of the nail polish easier, though I have never used this polish with a base or top coat so I can not vouch for that. But for this nail paint to last as long as it does without a base or top coat I think is great. There can be some staining with this formula too so be aware of that. I personally am not bothered about it but if you are then definitely use a base coat.

Though it's a slightly difficult formula to work with I definitely feel the results are worth the time and effort. The colour is striking and the nail paint has decent lasting power.


It's a vibrant sunshine-yellow colour. Brings a happy ray of sunshine vibe to your nails.

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