Of course, adjust the amounts to the size of your mug!
2 tsps of Alpro Single Soya Cream

1 tsp Monin Vanilla Syrup (You can substitute with any flavour syrup you like)

1/8 Cup Cocoa Powder (I used Twinings)

1 and a half cups (Approx 300ml) Alpro Chocolate Soya Milk (If you are intolerant to Soy try Oatly Chocolate milk or any dairy-free alternative. All non chocolate dairy-free milks will work but I recommend Almond or Hemp)

Combine the cream, milk and syrup into a mug and heat for 2 mins in the microwave (you can also heat on a stove if you prefer but this method is faster/easier/great for lazy bums like me).
Once hot, stir in the hot chocolate powder. Drizzle with a little Alpro Soya Cream and/or dust with some cocoa before serving.

What's your favourite flavour Hot Chocolate?
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