Coastal Scents

18 February 2009

I just wanted to write a blog about this company. I have heard many horrible stories about their customer service and I wanted to write to warn you about buying from this company.

I regularly watch Makeupsquare. A guru on Youtube who provides make up tutorials and reviews. A while ago she fell victim to the unprofessional nature of Coastal Scents customer services. She basically did a review of their brushes. She said she did not like them and the founder of CS retaliated by posting her video on the CS forums and making fun of it.

Now I hear this has happened to another Youtuber called ericaleigh777. The video she posted about this situation is still up for viewing so you can hear her thoughts on it. Not one I knew of before this happened but another Youtuber nonetheless. CS have a controversial product called Silica Powder Spheres. Many have said inhalation of this product over a long period of time can be harmful. CS have posted information on this on their website. I am not going to link to it. You can find it on the website if you search for the product. I am not a scientist and I can not provide you with any information on the safety of this product.

What I can say is the way they treat their customers is disgusting. To publically bash your customers on your forums is unprofessional and childish. I have heard one horror story too many about the customer service of this company and I would officially like to advise anybody who reads my blog here to not buy from Coastal Scents.

Buy from MAC instead if you want high end make up. I personally recommend their customer service online and offline. It's nothing less than excellent. They know how to treat their customers and they're extremely efficient. They would never engage in such behaviours as this, they have an extremely professional attitude. I know, I have used their online and offline customer service many times. When I had to switch a lipgloss because it was the wrong colour they changed it straight away for me and they were extremely friendly on the phone. Yes, they don't rely on emails to give you service, they do it in person or on the phone to a real person. They are brilliant. Not only that but MAC is cruelty free and they donate to the AIDS charities. A company with good morals I'd say.

I'm sick of hearing about CS's behaviour and lack of decent customer service. Don't buy from this evil company.


  1. After hearing about makeupsquare, I was still contemplating buying from them. But after hearing it happened a second time with Erica, I've decided that I wont be. I just can't believe a company would act so childishly & put down their customers. If it weren't for them, they wouldn't have any business!

  2. Neither can I. It's absolutely disgraceful. Their customers pay their bills and I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't know what these people are really like. You'd think they would care about their business too much to want to cause it harm? It seems not and I find that quite odd.



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