Comic Con Cosplays - Doctor Who - Amy Pond And Clara Oswin Oswald

29 October 2013

Hi everyone!

As I mentioned in my previous entry, I'll be sharing my cosplays for the London MCM Comic Con that just passed. I attended this event as I do every year and it was truly an amazing experience. Sadly there were some negatives but the positives definitely got me through!

My first cosplay happened on Friday and it was Amy Pond from Doctor Who. Specifically the Impossible Astronaut episode. I do have lots of marks on my arms despite the fact they're not completely visible in this photo ;)

 The next one was Clara Oswin Oswald (yes, I do like to use her full name rather than just calling her 'Clara' or 'Oswin') from the Asylum Of The Daleks episode. I made the belt parts myself though you can't see everything in this photo. I also unfortunately had some issues with getting parts to stay on (even loops can still result in parts slipping down!). I am definitely going to work on this so that by the time May's event rolls around I'll have a good sturdy belt!

I wish I could tell you who this lady is with me in this photo (I'm on the left!) but unfortunately didn't get her name. However look at her amazing Dalek head! Also, you can see other parts of my belt in this photo that I briefly attached for this photo.

I intend on doing a post solely dedicated to the make up I wore for both cosplays so please keep an eye out for that. It will be posted tomorrow :)

I had such a blast cosplaying and hanging out with my friends and all of the other wonderful cosplayers at MCM this year. I saw some absolutely fantastic costumes and can't wait to go again in May! If you have never been then please take a look at MCM's website mcm comic con and definitely consider it!

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